
Would you like to help change the world?

It starts with one child at a time.

We believe we have created the framework for a great school program. However, what makes a school great is its teachers. As a matter a fact, a school is only as good as its teachers. The teacher fills the environment with the love, grace, discipline, and energy that a child needs to properly learn and grow.

This is where you come in.
We are looking to find teachers who are motivated to inspire students with their passion to teach rather than just giving them information to memorize and repeat.

If we can inspire our students to learn, they will be natural life-long learners. If we can inspire our kids to dream big, they will accomplish great things. But, If we can inspire them to love one another, then they will change the world. Be a part of a team of like-minded teachers from all over the world who have come together to teach with a mission. A mission to transform lives every day. It will be an experience that will change your life forever.
Every child is unique but they need you to help them see that they are.


What you need to know:

First, complete the online application, follow up with the reference forms. Honors Academy administration will perform a Skype or phone interview. The final decision is made by the founders of Honors Academy, John and Tarah Carrette.

Honduras is a beautiful country that is covered in forests and mountains with a gorgeous coastline. It is a hot climate with average temperatures in the 70’s but often well into the 80’s. The rainy season is from May – November, and the hot season is from February – April. Although Honduras is notoriously known for being dangerous, following proper guidelines and rules, you will see that it is much safer than the media makes it seem.

Teachers live in a beautiful valley town surrounded by green mountains and lakes, called Valle de Angeles. Valle de Angeles is a very safe tourist town. Visited every day and quite busy on the weekends with tourists and families from all over the country. The Valle can get quite cool in the evenings and mornings – so plan appropriate clothing.

The evenings and weekends are available for teachers to explore the many exciting places in the valley or head into Tegucigalpa to explore the city. The teachers often come together in fellowship: planning meals together, day trips to include hiking, swimming, camping, movie nights, and Bible study groups. The teachers have often planned trips to other areas of Honduras and Central America such as renting a house and staying for a little vacation on the beautiful island of Roatán. Teachers are also encouraged to become involved in many of the ministries in the area. There are many opportunities to give back to the community.

The capital city of Tegucigalpa is where Honors Academy is located. Tegu is a very globalized city, it has many of the same conveniences and popular locations that you will be familiar with from home. In the city you will find several malls with many of the same stores you find in North America. The city is also home to many popular restaurants from home: McDonald’s, Dunkin’ Donuts, Denny’s, Wendy’s, TGIF, Chili’s, etc. Food in Honduras is somewhat different than in North America but very delicious. You find the typical Honduran food consists of rice, beans, cheese, and plantains. There are many specialties in Honduras that are unique to this area. Teachers will have weekly grocery store trips into the city to purchase the foods that you are comfortable eating. The grocery stores in the city have the majority of products that you are accustomed to eating. Clothing is very similar to clothing you would see in North America; one exception is you don’t often see people wearing shorts.

  • Create lesson plans to be delivered whole group, small group, and/or individually (lesson plans are turned in the week.
  • Track student progress and present information to students, parents, and administration.
  • Create and deliver assessments.
  • Create classroom rules and reinforce them in the classroom and on campus.
  • Create an engaging learning environment (the physical environment and each lesson).
  • To adapt/differentiate student work based on students’ differences in development, learning styles, strengths, and needs.
  • Create a safe environment conducive to learning.
  • Be prepared and punctual with all teacher responsibilities (on time for work, turning in lesson plans, report cards, etc.).
  • Maintain all attendance and grade records.
  • Attend all after-school professional development and staff meetings.
  • Represent the school, as a role model, during school hours and outside of school.

Honors Academy is a small, private, Christian school that teaches grades from Pre-Kindergarten to Twelfth grade. The school is staffed by both Honduran and North American teachers. HA is a bilingual school with all subjects excluding Spanish classes taught in English. Class size is kept small with no more than 15 students in a class. Elementary teachers (PreK-7th grade) are expected to teach every subject: math, language arts, science, and social studies. High school teachers will normally teach in a specific subject area: science, math, language arts, history, etc. Students at HA come from a variety of backgrounds, most are from stable, supportive homes, but some students come to us from broken homes and have less supportive family structures. There are students with a variety of needs and we aim for all teachers and staff to treat every student with the highest levels of respect. We teach the “whole child” and recognize that each student has their own way of learning. Teachers receive training in their subject areas, but also receive training on multiple intelligences, love languages, and Conscious Discipline – a comprehensive classroom management program and social-emotional curriculum. It is based on brain research, child development research, and developmentally appropriate practices. The dress code for teachers is fairly casual. Jeans, khakis, skirts, with Honors Academy polos or dress shirts (supplied by HA). We hope that this information gives you some idea of who we are as a school and our philosophy on education. Please take the time to consider if HA is a fit for you. If so, fill out an application and submit it to us as soon as possible. We have a limited number of spaces available for our next school year.

The Reference Form can be forwarded to the three references that you choose to use on the form. Have them email it back to us at: info@honorsacademyhonduras.com

Please let us know if you have further questions about Honors Academy or Honduras.

Apply Now!

Application Form
Recommendation Form

In the mean time, get know Honduras better.